The town of Breckenridge, CO. and Keystone in the background to the left. And if you have ever been to Breck you may have heard of or seen the Fourth of July Bowl. Named that because every year people trek up to the 13,000 foot peak and ski, snowboard, tele, or sled down the massive steep bowl.
Nestled high above the Resort and the chair lifts at 12,500 to 13,000 feet sits Peak Ten of the Ten Mile Mountain Range. This picture taken on the 4th of July. The jib spot is at the base of it.
A snowboarder gets kicked out as the US Forest workers move in to clean "the mess"
Us Forest workers clean up "the mess" left behind by our kind. Six bags of trash!!! Beer cans, water bottles, candy wrappers, just junk! WTF!! This is why they are taking all the rails and jibs down in this picture, cause of F'ing trash! Thanks to everyone who sucks and left shit behind, you ruined it for everyone! From here on out remember the saying..."bring out what you bring in".....PLEASE!
Us Forest workers clean up "the mess" left behind by our kind. Six bags of trash!!! Beer cans, water bottles, candy wrappers, just junk! WTF!! This is why they are taking all the rails and jibs down in this picture, cause of F'ing trash! Thanks to everyone who sucks and left shit behind, you ruined it for everyone! From here on out remember the saying..."bring out what you bring in".....PLEASE!
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