The city of Minneapolis, Minnesota has 390,131 people that reside there, it's the biggest city in the state and that makes a great playground for a bunch of us snowboarders that dream about amazing rails everywhere. With one photog and two filmers we were bound to get something and that something is gonna be seen in the new Team video and all over some mags.
Minnesotan Austin Young driving the crew from spot to spot, in the back (blue beanie) Brandon Reis, Kade Madsen and Scot Brown
First stop was this 30 foot long down rail....I know this is going to be a good trip
"The Rail Garden"
"The Boys" Kade Mansen, Scot Brown and Brandon Reis
"The Boys" Kade Mansen, Scot Brown and Brandon Reis
3am! No one around but us!!!
Graham Hoffman...pic by Tyler Huffernan
Brando getting shit done!
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